Appraisemycoins.com Privacy Policy
Appraisemycoins.com, hereinafter referred to AMC, is committed to providing its
customers with a valuable service.
We feel you can be very confident in our ability to resolve any disputes or
problems. We believe that the American Numismatic Association (ANA) offers one
of the best consumer protection services available to coin collectors and the
public. Our long-time membership and
support of the ANA is just one example of our commitment to our customers. In addition, Dr. Michael S. Fey,
founder of the AMC site has been a former ANA governor and a member of the ANA
Consumer Protection Committee for many years. He
adheres to proper ANA ethical dealer conduct when buying or selling coins.
The American Numismatic Association
Founded 1891
Numismatic Association has grown to become the largest nonprofit numismatic
organization of its kind in the world with nearly 28,000 members worldwide
ANA Mission
The American
Numismatic Association is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to
educating and encouraging people to study and collect money and related items.
With nearly 28,000 members, the Association serves the academic community,
collectors and the general public with an interest in numismatics. Its Charter and Constitution received
U.S. Federal approval in 1912, and was amended in 1962.
The ANA helps all
people discover and explore the world of money through its vast array of
programs including its education and outreach, museum, library, publications,
conventions and seminars
Selling to an ANA Dealer
The ANA offers protection not found with other collectibles. A coin dealer must
conform to a strict Dealer Code of Ethics.
In the event of a dispute, an ANA dealer can be brought to judgment and/or
mediation by the ANA governing body which is inexpensive, unbiased and timely. We would urge all those interested in
coins to become members of the ANA and take advantage of the many programs to
learn about coins and coin collecting before doing any substantial business.
The American Numismatic Association
818 North Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Membership: 800-514-2646
Fax: 719-634-4085
E-mail the ANA at ana@money.org
To Join the ANA
ANA Member Services
800-514-COIN (2646)
E-mail: membership@money.org
Appraisemycoins.com Privacy Policy
Information that you provide us is held in confidence, except as herein noted. We do
not sell your information to third parties nor do we provide it for any third
party's general commercial usage. Certain anonymous information may be used in
our archival files such as prices paid for specific collections or inventory
items. We reserve the right to share information, when we deem appropriate, with
third parties that are acting on our behalf to appraise or possibly purchase
your collection, or to proper legal authority (e.g. subpoenas), including police
and governmental agencies.
As we update and expand our services, this privacy policy will change to better
serve everyone. Check back periodically for updates and feel free to contact us
at any time with questions or suggestions regarding this policy.
If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should first
contact Michael S. Fey, Ph.D. by either e-mail at SellMyCoins@AppraiseMyCoins.com
or by writing us at the following address:
P.O. Box C
Ironia, NJ
How do we ensure the
protection of your personal information?
AMC maintains reasonable physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to
protect the security and integrity of all Personal Information provided to us.
AMC limits access to personal information about you to those employees who we
reasonably believe need to come into contact with that information to provide
services to you in order to do their jobs.
AMC takes reasonable precautions - including administrative, technical, and
physical measures - to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft,
and misuse, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and