This appraisal system provides an approximate value for the coin, which may be worth more or less in the marketplace. Your coin may actually be very valuable, but only a coin expert can spot the kind of features that would qualify it for "hidden treasure" status.
Old and rare coins are generally more valuable than newer coins and those that were manufactured in huge quantities. But not always.
A coin in pristine condition is more valuable than a damaged one, So hold your coins by the rim, keep them dry and never clean them.
Even a really beat-up coin can still be valuable because of the precious metal it contains. This is called its "bullion value."
Get Started!
Click the appropriate coin category below. Not sure which one to choose? Click HELP
Describe your coin using the short, fast form provided
Click the Results button at the end of the form to receive your coin's value
We can help you sell all sorts of collectibles: stamps, currency, early American money, tokens, ancient coins, medals, Confederate money, foreign coins, baseball cards and more. Tell us what you have HERE.

Spot Metal Prices

5/31/2024 1:36:06 PM


  Gold: $2,324.80             Silver: $30.22

  Platinum: $1,034.00       Palladium: $892.00


Precious metal price quotes can be volatile and were based on the quotes given on the date and time above. Actual values of coins may go up or down depending on when the actual time and Agreement of sale occurs.

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